Bylaws – Code of Operations


Version 2.01
Revised and approved 9/20/2003
for the 2003-2004 season.

ARTICLE I – Name and Object

Section l. The conference established by this code of operations shall be known as the Intercollegiate Fencing Conference of Southern California, herein referred to as the Conference or IFCSC.

Section 2. The object of the conference is to provide the undergraduate collegiate fencer, except as noted in the NCAA Rules and/or Code of Operations, the opportunity to compete with others in an institutional, educational setting, under the direction of coaches whose primary concern is the welfare of the fencers.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Section l. Membership in the conference shall be open to accredited four-year universities and colleges in the Southern California area. All memberships must be approved by a majority of the members. Membership shall continue subject to the approval of the Governing Council.

Section 2. Members of the NCAA varsity fencing teams composing the conference must be eligible under the existing NCAA Rules of Championship Eligibility, Division I, II, or III, depending on the school. NCAA varsity teams/fencers must be eligible under current NCAA Rules of Eligibility and certified by their Compliance Officers. (5/5/96) Club teams must be eligible under NCAA Rules of Championship Eligibility for Division III schools, with exceptions noted in the By-Laws.

Section 3. Eligibility for each individual must be submitted in writing and certified by the signature of the NCAA Athletic Representative or the appropriate officer. Eligibility lists are to be sent to, or in the hands of the Secretary, by the first meet of the conference season. Additions or corrections to the eligibility list may be made at any time, certified, and sent to the conference secretary. If there is justificable reason to challenge proof of eligibility, a simple majority of the Governing Council is needed to require the student to provide that proof. (5/5/96)

Section 4. A school wishing to apply for membership must attend the Spring Coaches Meeting and put their case to the Governing Council.

Section 5. In September, each member school, through the coach, shall receive a bill for the payment of dues. Said dues shall be received by the Secretary-Treasurer no later than the end of December.

Section 6. Members of the Governing Council agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the NCAA, the United States Fencing Coaches Association, and the United States Fencing Association. Schools believed to be violating the codes may, with a majority vote of the Governing Council, be expelled from the conference.

Section 7. Should a school wish to drop their membership, the Secretary must be informed in writing, and on school stationery, prior to the Spring Coaches Meeting.

ARTICLE III – The Governing Council

Section l. An authorized representative of each member institution serves as a voting member of the Governing Council. An authorized representative is one who has been officially given that assignment by the Athletic or Recreation department of the institution. Each member school has one vote.

Section 2. The officers of the Governing Council shall be a President, a Vice-President (if desired), and a Secretary- Treasurer-Historian.

Section 3. The President shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the Governing Council members present at the spring meeting. The Vice-President (if desired) shall be appointed by the newly elected President, with the approval of the Governing Council.

Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer-Historian shall be elected by a majority vote of the Governing Council. S/he shall remain in office until resignation or replacement by a majority vote of the Governing Council.

ARTICLE IV – Duties of the Officers

Section l. The President shall preside at all meeting of the IFCSC and perform such duties as usually pertain to the office.

Section 2. The Vice-President, if there is one, shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President.

Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer-Historian shall:
1) Keep minutes of all meetings, issue notices, and perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of Secretary.
2) Keep on file a list of the names and addresses of Council members and eligibility lists of all member schools.
3) Collect the original weekly meet score sheets and inform coaches of the standings as soon as possible.
4) Purchase yearly trophies and keep the accounts of the IFCSC by receiving all monies, fees, dues, fines, etc., pay all bills and preserve money vouchers for such disbursements.
5) Submit a report of the current fiscal year at the conference business meetings.
6) Furnish each coach with a final conference standings report for each team and each individual fencer.

ARTICLE V – Meetings

Section l. The Governing Council shall hold two regularly scheduled meeting per year:
1) The Fall Meeting, held before the first conference meet, to review the schedule, submit eligibility lists, receive a packet of score sheets, and conduct any business deemed necessary.
2) The Spring Meeting, held in April, if possible, and no later than May 15 unless there are special circumstances, to add or delete from the membership, to deal with any old and new business, to determine the schedule of the coming season, and to elect a new President.

Section 2. Special meetings of the Governing Council may be called by the President or by written request of two-fifths of the members of the Council, submitted to the Secretary.

Section 3. Written notice of all meetings, including the agenda if possible, should be sent to all members at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Anyone wishing to add agenda items should notify the Secretary, in writing or by telephone, before the notice is sent. Members can also be notified of a meeting by telephone if time does not permit a written notice.

Section 4. A simple majority of the members of the Governing Council present shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE VI – Dues and Assessments

Section l. Annual dues and assessments shall be in such amounts and payable in such manner as the By-Laws may provide; however, it shall require a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Governing Council present at the meeting, or by proxy, to change dues, authorize a deficit, or levy an assessment.

Section 2. Fiscal year of the IFCSC shall be from August 1 to July 31.

ARTICLE VII – By-Laws and Rules

Section l. The Governing Council shall have the power to enact By-Laws for the governance of the Conference.

Section 2. By-Laws and rules shall be enacted, amended, or repealed by a majority vote of the quorum present at the meeting.

ARTICLE VIII – Amendments

Section 1. This Code of Operations may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Governing Council. The Secretary shall, when possible, notify members of the proposed changes in the meeting agenda.



1. The annual dues shall be posted on the About Page of IFCSC.ORG. Payment of the dues allows the institution to compete in all IFCSC meets, if otherwise qualified, and to one vote on the Governing Council.
2. Institutions not paying their dues or assessments by the date specified in the Code of Operations shall be ineligible to vote until such time as the dues are paid. Schools which have not paid their dues by the end of the calendar date (December 31st) must reapply for admission to the Conference and pay the dues owed, plus a $50 fine, before the end of the school year in May or June.

3. All funds of the Conference shall be kept in such bank as the Treasurer deems convenient, and such bank accounts shall be in the name of IFCSC.

4. The IFCSC shall pay for trophies, officials, and whatever other expenses may be incurred for supplies, postage, telephone, etc.

5. The Governing Council, by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting, may vote to provide funds for any other expenses deemed necessary.


6. Responsibility for the keeping of records, both scoring and historical, shall rest with the Secretary-Treasurer-Historian.

7. All IFCSC records, eligibility, scoring, etc., shall be maintained by the Secretary-Treasurer and may be open for inspection by the Governing Council at any time.


8. A coach, or qualified representative, from each member institution should be present at all meetings. If it is impossible to attend, the Secretary should be notified before the meeting.

9. All schools intending to fence in the IFCSC should be present at the Spring Coaches Meeting. Schools applying to enter the conference must notify the Secretary no less than one week prior to the meeting.

10. When a vote is taken, it shall be counted in the name of the school, one vote per school.

11. A member of the Governing Council may vote by proxy; however, the member given the proxy must have the consent in writing and it must be properly signed and dated.


12. No fencer shall fence on a team of their opposite gender. (9/19/99)

13. An individual may fence in only one weapon per school.

14. In the event that a team does not show and compete in a scheduled match, the score will be recorded as a 9/0 or 27/0 match. INDIVIDUAL scores will be allowed to stand. (5/5/96)

15. A meet is defined as a meeting between any two schools.

16. At NCAA schools, graduate students are held to the NCAA Rules of Eligibility.

Club fencers have four years to compete as undergraduates. Graduates on club teams have no more than four years, providing they do not hold a USFA classification above a “C”. If they should earn a higher classification, they are still eligible during that season. (5/5/96) A graduate student coming from a university where s/he did fence has only that number of years adding up to four to compete as a graduate. i.e. a graduate student who competed at X University for three years has only one year remaining at Y University. Graduate students must be carrying a full-load, as determined by their university.


17. Host coaches must have the fencing facility open and available no less than one hour before the scheduled starting time. The facility should remain open for no less than 45 minutes following the meet so that fencers can shower and change clothes.

18. The host coach must provide a table for the RED FOLDERS which each team must carry to the meet. Said folder must contain: current eligibility list, emergency phone numbers for all players, and proper insurance forms and procedures used by the school.

19. The host coach is responsible for providing directions to the facility, alerting teams where to park and, if at all possible, waiving any parking fees.


20. The rules of the bout (how the game is played) used by the IFCSC shall be the Rules for Competitions of the United States Fencing Association except as follows:
a) NCAA Rules in effect that year
b) Exceptions to the rules, voted on by the Governing Council. The IFCSC does NOT use the USFA Operations Manual.

21. If the IFCSC wishes to vary the USFA Rules of the Game, a unanimous vote of the members present at the meeting must be recorded.

22. Each coach, or representative, must carry a RED FOLDER to the meet. (See By-Law #l8). Each school should carry two sets of scoring equipment (machines, reels, etc.) and extension cords, at least two and more if you have them; 3 clip boards and 3 #2 pencils; 3 time clocks; no less than 1 foil and 1 epee weight (2 weights); 1 set of gauges (more recommended if possible). (5/5/96)

23. No fencer is allowed to use alcohol or drugs at any fencing meet, or to have them with them on the premises. Any fencer found to be violating this rule is subject to disciplinary action by his/her university and/or the IFCSC.

FORMAT: (#24 is on hold until further discussion – 5/5/96)

24. Each host coach needs to set up seven electrical strips if four teams are competing at the same facility on the same day. Two shall be for women’s foil, two for men’s foil, two for epee and one for sabre.

If only six strips are available, coaches must decide which weapon will start first: foil, epee or sabre. The weapon on hold will begin as soon as a strip is available.

If any weapon is continuing after others are finished, that weapon shall be double-stripped. Officials needed: 4 foil, 1 sabre, epee optional.

(changed 9/13/98) For tri-meets, only four strips are necessary, and four three officials.

ADD: 10/1/95 North vs South format: 6 foil strips, 6 epee strips; 2 sabre strips will be needed. A school not hosting during the regular schedule will be in charge of the second facility (when using two gyms).

25. The form and sequence of events of the competition, other than those approved by the NCAA, should be approved by the Governing Council at its Spring Meeting preceding the competitive season.

26. A coach may coach a fencer on the strip at any time that the clock is stopped, and they may also call for one thirty second time out per bout. (Both schools get the time-out.) (5/5/96)

27. NCAA rules of substitution apply.

28. The final meet of the season, for all schools, shall be fenced at one location so that awards can be given following the last bout of the day.

Traveling host coaches are designated and are responsible for their particular meets: setting up the facility, providing the score sheets, getting officials, etc. The host coach (coach of the school at which the meet is being held) should provide as much help as possible to the traveling host by providing tables, chairs, etc. The traveling host and the host should communicate several days before the meet.

29. (9/13/98) [Voided].


30. Although each weapon is scored separately , the team victor must score at least l4 of the 27 bouts. (5/5/96)(9/19/99)

31. The original score sheets must be sent to the Secretary immediately following the meet. Too, the host coach must telephone the scores to the Secretary immediately following the meet so that they can be reported to the Los Angeles Times. The Secretary can not keep the conference appropriately informed as to the outcome of meets if the score sheets are not received by Wednesday, at the latest, of the following week.

NOTE: 10/92 It was decided at the June meeting of the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Fencing Committee that the IFCSC would continue to send original score sheets to the secretary, who would then send the scores of NCAA teams to the Chair of the Western Regional Fencing Committee.

32. Conference placement of teams and individuals is dependent upon each and every meet (teams) and each and every bout (individuals).

33. In event of team ties in wins/losses, total bouts will be counted. If a tie still exists, indicators will be counted.

In event of individual ties in wins/losses, or in wins only, the total number of bouts fenced will be counted. The fencer with the greater number of bouts fenced will be placed higher. In the event of ties, indicators will be used.

In event that indicators are also tied for any of the top four fencers, the fencers so tied will have a fence-off before the final medals are given. There shall be only one medal for the first through fourth places on the All-Conference Team.

In the case that overall teams are tied for first, second, or third (total bouts, indicators, and greater touches scored), then each team will select three different fencers, one for each weapon, and one five touch bout will be fenced in each weapon at the end of the season to break the tie.

In the case that two weapon squads scores are tied for first, second, or third, (total bouts, indicators, and greater touches scored), then each squad will select one member and one five touch bout will be fenced in that weapon at the end of the season to break the tie.

For any of the above tie breaking bouts the chosen fencer for a given weapon must have fenced that weapon in conference competition during that season, and the above tie breaking bout result does not count toward any other individual or team result.
(Amended Sept. 20, 2003)


34. The four fencers in each weapon having the most victories, based on #33 above, are designated All-Conference.

35. Awards will be given to the top three teams in each weapon, to the top four individuals in each weapon, and to the best overall men’s and women’s teams.

36. Five individual plaques will be awarded for men; four for fencers, if a team has four, and one accepted by the coach, which remains at the school.  (9/19/99)

37. The men’s BEST OVERALL plaque is won by the team with the best 3-weapon record. The women’s BEST OVERALL is won by the team with the best 2-weapon record.

38. A perpetual trophy will be given in each weapon. Winners of perpetual trophies will have them engraved at their own expense and MUST have them at the final meet of the season so that they may be passed to the next winner.


39. The host coach is responsible for providing the proper officials. They should be the best available and as impartial as possible. In some instances, it might be necessary for the traveling school/s to take officials if the host cannot supply the number needed.

40. Officials should be informed, by the host coach, of the IFCSC and NCAA rules variations for collegiate meets, among which are:
a) There are no penalties for non-functioning equipment.
b) Coaches may coach between the time the director says “Halt” and “Fence.”

41. [Voided]

(changed 9/13/98)Referees directing nine(9) or fewer bouts in a match will receive ten (10) dollars. For more than nine (9) (women and double stripped bouts) the pay will be fifteen (15) dollars. Coaches should determine how many bouts are left, and whether it would be best to double strip or to let the referee call the next match
(changed 9/19/99)Referees directing one(1) to four(4) bouts in a match will receive five (5) dollars, five(5) to nine (9) bouts will receive ten (10) dollars.

42. Officials are in charge of their piste, but they are not in charge of the meet. Coaches present comprise the Bout Committee.

43. Officials should be encouraged to dress in an appropriate manner, neatly groomed, and men should wear coat and tie.

44. Officials should be at the fencing facility, ready to go, no less than l5 minutes before starting time.

45. If officials are not available and coaches must direct, they should alternate bouts unless they both agree on another format.

46. Foil and sabre teams are not to direct themselves, unless, due to some unfortunate circumstance, they must. Coaches present must agree that they may do so. Epee referees may be hired but are not mandatory.

47. Officials should be current members of USFA, and should have the highest rating possible.


48. Amendments to the Code of Operations and By-laws shall take effect at the beginning of the fiscal year following the year of adoption unless unanimously approved by all coaches present at the meeting that they shall take effect sooner.

49. Any member may request changes to the Code of Operations or By-Laws. If time permits, said changes should be discussed at one of the two regularly scheduled meetings. If time does not permit, the Secretary can notify the members of the desired change and call for a mail ballot.

Intercollegiate Fencing Conference of Southern California